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How to Prevent Tooth Loss

by brightspacepurdue.com
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Teeth decay is pulsating to harm in matters of the pearly whites, and tooth loss is a problem that many of us may have to notch up, at some point, in our lives. Nevertheless, the piece of good news is that tooth loss can be prevented in most cases by good dental practices and preventive actions. In this detail guide we will try to cover some of the strategies and tips recommended by the dentist New Hyde Park to ensure that you have healthy smiles and without tooth loss.

Understanding the Importance of Preventive Dentistry

The most important thing in preserving optimal oral health and preventing tooth loss is the prevention dentistry. The risk of tooth loss caused by dental problems can be greatly minimized by practicing good oral hygiene and adopting good habits. It is time to dive deeper into the most important preventive dentistry tips suggested by the dentist Lake Success.

Brush and Floss Regularly

The basic rule of preventative dental practice is oral hygiene. Cleaning of teeth with efficacy of daily plaque and food debris that can result in dental caries and periodontal diseases should be accomplished by regular brushing and flossing. The ADA states that you must brush your teeth at least twice per day, and if you can even floss daily.

While New Hyde Park Dental may advise that in order to have good oral hygiene, one should use one’s toothbrush (get or use one with soft bristle) and should always use it with fluoride toothpaste. Brush your teeth in gentle circular motions for about two minutes ensuring that all surfaces are covered. Don’t also forget to floss in between teeth and along the gumline in order to eliminate plaque and debris.

You should at least try rinsing your mouth with water or chewing sugar-free gum since the action of water and processing saliva are equally capable of keeping the acids in water-soluble form, cleaning food particles, and neutralizing the food particles, and thus preventing the complications attributed to acids.

Schedule Regular Dental Check-ups

Periodic dental examinations are essential to oral health and the protection of the teeth vital to this. Dentist in New Hyde Park advise you to see your dentist for at least two times a year for regular screening and cleansing. In these sessions, your dentist will clean your teeth both with care and can tell which walls can be cleaned without a false start in order to make changes closely related to the sides of the teeth. Your dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly, ridding them of plaque and tartar buildup that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone.

Your dentist will not just clean your teeth as he will also conduct a thorough medical checkup of your oral health. This involves looking out symptoms of gum disease, tooth decay, oral cancer and other dental problems. Dentistry subdivision implicates early indication and therapy of dental disorders to avoid any more advancement and also possible the deficiency of teeth.

Avoid Tobacco Products

The habit of smoking tobacco products like cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, raises the risk of development of gingivitis and alveolar resorption. Apart from discoloring your teeth, all nicotine and chemicals also found in tobacco products reduce blood circulation to the gums that develops inflammation and weakens supporting structures of the teeth.

Tobacco use is critical as it puts people at increased risk of gum disease and tooth loss. The charge of a dentist will help you to determine possible alternatives, if you are a smoker or use other tobacco products, ask your Lake Success dentist about available quit smoking aids including nicotine withdrawal medications or over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies.

Adopt a Tooth-Healthy Diet

Your diet substantially influences your oral health. A proper diet, rich in foods tending to produce an acid ash and relatively low in the sugary and acidic foods, will tend to inhibit tooth decay and gum disease. The consumption of sweets, foods, and beverages composed of sugar results to degeneration of acids which spoil the enamel on your teeth, which cause damage to your teeth.

In order to preserve your teeth from damage, keep sugar and acid foods and beverages to a minimum. However, if at all you do consume them sometimes, these should be followed up immediately by either brushing or rinsing the mouth with water to keep the damages minimal. You can also use a straw to drink soda so that you keep off any direct contact between your teeth.

Incorporate Fluoride Mouthwash into Your Routine

A fluoride mouthwashing comes in handy when used as a part of the regular daily teeth cleaning, to provide further protection against tooth decay and to strengthen the enamel. Fluoride is a mineral which when taken helps in remineralization of those areas on the teeth that might have been damaged due to acid attacks.

Make a choice of a dentist- recommended fluoride mouthwash from the New Hyde Park and apply it for at least a minute after cleaning your teeth with a toothbrush and flossing. You should wait at least 30 minutes between application of a fluoride based mouthwash and eating or drinking in order to allow the fluoride to completely saturate and defend your teeth.


A preventive measure that facilitates preservation of a healthy smile is essential in the prevention of tooth loss. If you adhere to the preventive dentistry tips that dentists in New Hyde Park vouch for, you can dramatically minimize the likeliness of developing dental problems that cause tooth loss. Make sure you brush and floss on a regular basis, see your dentist routinely, avoid tobacco, consume a tooth-friendly diet and introduce fluoride mouthwash into your regime.

For more detailed guidance or anything in particular that worries you concerning your dental health please seek the advice of a New Hyde Park dentist. You will get individual recommendations from them and get a science-based dental care plan for you. Having a diligent preventive approach and the regular dental visits, you can sustain a healthy smile over the years.

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