Have you heard about this new idea called “biocentrism” that’s been gaining popularity recently? Its proponents claim that life creates the universe, not the other way around. Sounds pretty trippy, right? While it may seem appealing to believe you create your own reality with your mind, biocentrism is based more on speculation than actual science.

What Is Biocentrism? A Brief Overview

Biocentrism is the belief that life creates the universe instead of the other way around. Proponents argue that life – in the form of consciousness – is the driving force behind reality. In other words, the universe only exists because there are conscious beings like us to perceive it.

This radical theory suggests that space and time are tools of the mind rather than external realities. When we die, space and time vanish with us. The biocentric view also believes that the world only acquires definite properties once it’s observed by a conscious entity. Until then, reality exists in a hazy, probabilistic state.

While an intriguing idea, biocentrism has been debunked by the scientific community. The major flaws are:

• It contradicts our current understanding of physics. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, space and time exist independent of any observers or conscious beings.

• There’s no evidence that the universe pops in and out of existence based on our observations or measurements. Quantum effects like superposition only apply at the subatomic scale, not at the macro level that we experience.

• Consciousness likely arises from the biological brain, not the other way around. There’s no proof that mind creates matter. The brain is an emergent property of physical interactions in the body.

• The anthropic principle explains why the universe seems fine-tuned for life without requiring life to be fundamental to its existence. We observe the universe the way it is because we wouldn’t be here otherwise.

While an interesting philosophical musing, biocentrism should not be taken as a scientifically valid theory for how the universe operates or why we’re here. The truth is, we still have a lot to learn about the nature of reality and our place in the cosmos.

The Central Claims of Biocentrism

Biocentrism argues that life and consciousness create the universe, not the other way around. This new age philosophy makes some bold claims that contradict mainstream science. Let’s take a closer look at the central ideas of biocentrism and why they don’t hold up.

The Universe Exists Only When There Are Observers

Biocentrists claim that the universe can’t exist without a conscious observer. They say things like particles don’t have properties until they are measured or observed. However, the universe evolved for billions of years before the first living creatures arose. The laws of physics worked the same way with or without an observer. Objects continued to have properties whether or not someone was around to perceive them.

Space and Time Are Tools of the Mind

Biocentrists argue that space and time are constructs of human perception, not actual parts of the universe itself. However, space and time provide a framework for all physical phenomena, not just those that involve or are perceived by humans. Things like the orbit of planets and the decay of particles are governed by space and time, whether or not people are around to witness them.

Death is an Illusion

Some biocentrists claim that life and consciousness continue on in some form after death. They say that since the universe needs an observer, we must continue observing it somehow after we die. However, all evidence points to consciousness arising from biological processes in the brain that end at death. While we may find comfort believing in an afterlife, we have no scientific reason to think consciousness continues without a living brain to generate it.

In summary, while biocentrism promotes an intriguing vision of reality centered around life and consciousness, its central claims fail to match up with our scientific understanding of the natural world. The universe operates based on physical laws, not on what any one species happens to find psychologically pleasing or philosophically appealing.

Problems With the Science Behind Biocentrism

Biocentrism is an intriguing idea, but the science behind it is problematic. Here are a few of the major issues:

Lack of Falsifiability

A valid scientific theory must be falsifiable – there must be a way to prove it false through experimentation or observation. However, the central claims of biocentrism are not falsifiable. There is no way to prove that consciousness creates reality or that life and biology are a prerequisite for the universe. This places biocentrism more in the realm of philosophy or faith than hard science.

Misuse and Misunderstanding of Quantum Mechanics

Biocentrists point to quantum mechanics and the role of the observer as evidence for their views. However, they misinterpret the meaning of “observer” in quantum physics. The observer refers to any measuring device, not necessarily a conscious being. Quantum effects do not prove that consciousness creates reality. Most physicists dismiss this as a misuse of quantum physics.

Lack of Mechanism

Biocentrism lacks a plausible mechanism by which consciousness could create reality. We have no idea how immaterial mind could influence or generate the material world. Without a mechanism, biocentrism remains a speculative philosophy. As neuroscientist Steven Novella said, “it is not enough to argue that something seems plausible based on some superficial similarities…there must be an actual mechanism proposed, and that mechanism must be plausible.”


If consciousness creates reality, the implication is that my individual consciousness creates my own reality. But biocentrists want to argue that there is one shared reality. This contradicts their premise and leads to solipsism – the idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. Solipsism is considered implausible by most philosophers and leads to absurd conclusions.

In summary, while biocentrism is an interesting philosophical concept, the scientific evidence for its central claims is lacking. For it to be considered a viable theory, proponents need to propose mechanisms, make falsifiable predictions, and show how it can avoid solipsism. Until then, biocentrism will remain in the realm of pseudoscience.

Philosophical Issues With Biocentrism

Biocentrism makes some dubious philosophical assumptions that don’t stand up to scrutiny.

Consciousness is not required for reality

Biocentrism claims that consciousness creates reality. However, the universe existed for billions of years before conscious life emerged. The laws of physics shaped the development of the universe and our planet long before any living being developed a mind. Reality was doing just fine without any consciousness to create it.

Anthropocentrism repackaged

While biocentrism aims to move beyond an anthropocentric view of the world, it places human consciousness at the very center of reality. It implies that the universe only exists because we perceive it – an extraordinarily self-centered notion. The universe does not need our consciousness to continue existing. Claims that reality is created by human perception alone are a form of anthropocentrism.

No evidence for biocentrism’s claims

There is no evidence to support biocentrism’s assertion that consciousness creates reality. All available evidence from physics, cosmology, and biology points to the fact that the universe evolved according to the laws of nature, not because of our perception or beliefs. While consciousness remains mysterious, there is no proof it is necessary for the universe and reality to exist or function.

Biocentrism is an appealing idea on the surface with its emphasis on consciousness and life. However, it relies more on philosophical speculation than evidence. Its claims do not align with our scientific understanding of how reality works. While biocentrism aims to move beyond anthropocentrism, its insistence that human consciousness alone creates reality is arguably an even more extreme form of anthropocentrism. Until proponents can provide evidence to support their claims, biocentrism remains an interesting but flawed philosophy.

Biocentrism Debunked: Why This New Age Myth Doesn’t Hold Up

Biocentrism is an intriguing theory, but it ultimately falls apart under scrutiny. Proposed by scientist Robert Lanza, biocentrism suggests that life creates the universe rather than the other way around. While a romantic notion, several issues show this is more New Age myth than hard science.

Consciousness from nothing?

Biocentrism argues that consciousness is the driving force behind reality. But how did consciousness arise in the first place? Like life itself, consciousness needs a physical system in which to emerge. You can’t get something from nothing. The theory fails to provide a plausible explanation for how consciousness could exist without a physical world to support it.

Ignores evidence for an external reality

Our observations clearly show an external, physical world that exists independently of our consciousness. We’ve explored the cosmos, observed the inner workings of atoms, and uncovered prehistoric Earth’s history – all while humans were evolving. This evidence directly contradicts biocentrism’s claim that reality depends on an observer.

Proposed experiments don’t prove theory

Lanza proposes experiments like the “double-slit” test to show how observation impacts reality. But these experiments demonstrate quantum weirdness at the subatomic scale, not that consciousness creates reality. Observations may affect the quantum realm, yet the macro world where we live follows the rules of classical physics. Biocentrists wrongly extrapolate quantum quirks to prove their theory.

While biocentrism is an imaginative perspective, the weight of evidence clearly shows an external reality that has existed for billions of years before any observer. Consciousness remains a mystery, but we have no reason to believe it alone conjures the universe or transcends the physical laws that govern all we observe. Biocentrism makes a lovely story, but should not be mistaken for a scientific theory.


So there you have it – the idea of biocentrism doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny. While it seems an appealing notion that life creates the universe rather than the other way around, the evidence we have simply doesn’t support it. The truth is often more complex than attractive pseudoscientific theories. At the end of the day, it’s understandable why biocentrism and ideas like it gain popularity – we all want to feel like we have a special connection to the universe and are at the center of it all. But that doesn’t make it so. The universe ticked along for billions of years before life emerged, and will likely continue on for billions more after we’re gone. We’re passengers on this cosmic journey, not the drivers. So enjoy the ride!

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