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6 Tips to Plan the Perfect Home Remodeling Project

by brightspacepurdue.com
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Home remodeling projects are exciting endeavors that can transform your living space, adding both functionality and value to your home. However, these projects require more than vision and enthusiasm; they demand careful planning and execution. A well-planned home remodel can turn your dream into reality, while a poorly planned one can lead to frustration and financial strain. Whether it’s a minor update or a major overhaul, understanding the key steps to plan the perfect home remodeling project is crucial. 

  1. Establishing a Realistic Budget
  • Understanding Average Costs

The first step in any home remodeling project is to establish a realistic budget, which involves understanding the average costs of remodeling projects in your area. For example, in Bolingbrook, IL, the cost of remodeling a bathroom can range from $5,317 to $15,878. This variance depends on several factors, including the size of the bathroom, the quality of materials chosen, and the extent of the changes being made. Having a grasp of these local market rates helps in setting a budget that aligns with your remodeling goals and financial limits.

  • Allocating Funds Wisely

Once you have an idea of the average costs, the next step is to allocate your funds wisely. It’s important to budget for all aspects of the remodel, including labor, materials, and any unexpected expenses that might arise. A good rule of thumb is to set aside an additional 10-20% of your total budget for unforeseen costs. This contingency fund can cover unexpected issues like plumbing problems or electrical upgrades that are often uncovered during a remodel.

  • Hiring Professionals

A significant portion of your budget will likely go toward labor costs, especially if you’re hiring professionals. For specialized projects, for instance, bathroom remodeling, hiring experienced bath remodelers in Bolingbrook can make a huge difference in the quality and efficiency of the work. Professionals bring expertise that can help prevent costly mistakes and ensure that the project is completed to a high standard. 

  1. Thoroughly Planning the Design
  • Visualizing the End Goal

Having a clear vision of the desired outcome is crucial in the planning phase of a home remodel. Visualize how you want the space to look and function. It could involve sketching out ideas, creating mood boards, or using design software. A clear vision helps in making informed decisions about layout, materials, and fixtures, ensuring that the final result aligns with your expectations.

  • Seeking Inspiration

Finding design inspiration is an enjoyable part of the planning process. Look for ideas in home improvement magazines, online resources like Pinterest and Houzz, or even by visiting home shows and model homes. Collecting photos, color swatches, and material samples can help in refining your design preferences and communicating your vision to contractors and designers.

  • Consulting with Design Experts

For complex projects or if you’re unsure about your design choices, consulting with a design expert can be invaluable. Professional designers can offer creative solutions, help you avoid common pitfalls, and ensure that the design is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. They can also assist in choosing color schemes, materials, and finishes that work well together, adding a professional touch to your remodel.

  1. Selecting the Right Contractor
  • Checking Credentials and Reviews

The contractor you choose will play a significant role in the success of your remodeling project. Start by researching local contractors with experience in the remodel you’re planning. Check their credentials, including licensing and insurance, to ensure they are qualified to undertake the project. Reading online reviews and asking for references can give you insight into their work quality and reliability.

  • Understanding Contracts and Agreements

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, it’s essential to understand the contracts and agreements before signing. A good contract should clearly outline the scope of work, project timeline, payment schedule, and any warranties or guarantees. Be wary of contractors who are reluctant to provide a detailed contract or pressure you to sign without giving you time to review it.

  • Communication is Key

Effective communication with your contractor throughout the project is vital. Establish a clear line of communication and discuss how often you’ll receive updates. Make sure you’re comfortable with their approach to handling any issues or changes that may arise during the project. Good communication can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the project progresses smoothly.

  1. Choosing Quality Materials
  • Balancing Cost and Quality

Selecting the right materials is a critical aspect of any remodeling project. It’s a delicate balance between cost and quality – you want materials that are durable and aesthetically pleasing but also within your budget. Research different options and compare prices from various suppliers. Keep in mind that investing in high-quality materials can save money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs and replacements.

  • Sustainability and Durability

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority for homeowners. Choosing eco-friendly and durable materials not only benefits the environment but also enhances the long-term value of your remodel. Look for materials with a low environmental impact, such as recycled or renewable resources, and those that offer longevity. Sustainable materials like bamboo flooring or energy-efficient appliances may have a higher upfront cost but offer savings over time through reduced utility bills and maintenance costs.

  • Personal Taste vs. Resale Value

While personal taste should guide your choice of materials, it’s also wise to consider the potential resale value of your home. Some design choices may be too unique or trendy and could deter future buyers. Aim for a timeless design that appeals to a broader audience, especially if you plan to sell your home in the future. Neutral colors and classic finishes typically have wider appeal and can enhance the resale value of your home.

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  1. Planning for Disruptions and Delays
  • Setting Realistic Timelines

Home remodeling projects often take longer than expected due to unforeseen challenges. When planning your project, set realistic timelines that account for potential delays. Discuss with your contractor how long each phase of the project is expected to take and what factors could cause delays. Having a clear understanding of the timeline helps manage expectations and reduces stress.

  • Preparing for Inconvenience

Remodeling can disrupt your daily life, especially if it’s a major project like a kitchen or bathroom remodel. Prepare for the inconvenience by setting up temporary solutions. For example, if your kitchen is being remodeled, set up a temporary kitchen space in another part of the house with essentials like a microwave and refrigerator. Plan for noise, dust, and limited access to certain areas of your home.

  • Contingency Plans

Despite the best planning, unexpected issues can arise during a remodel. It’s essential to have contingency plans in place. It could include having a flexible living arrangement if the project runs over time or setting aside extra funds to cover unforeseen expenses. Being prepared for these scenarios can help mitigate the impact on your project and reduce stress.

  1. Ensuring Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Understanding Local Regulations

Every remodeling project must comply with local building codes and regulations. These regulations are in place to ensure safety and quality standards. Familiarize yourself with the local building codes in your area and how they apply to your project. It includes regulations regarding structural changes, electrical work, and plumbing.

  • Permits and Inspections

Depending on the scope of your project, you may need to obtain permits before starting the work. Permits are a crucial part of the legal process and ensure that your project is inspected and approved by local authorities. Work with your contractor to identify the necessary permits and inspections required for your project. Skipping this step can lead to legal issues and problems when selling your home in the future.

  • Working with Professionals

Professionals who are knowledgeable about local regulations can be invaluable in ensuring your project complies with all legal requirements, which include contractors, architects, and engineers. Their expertise can help navigate the complexities of permits and inspections, ensuring your project meets all legal standards.


Planning the perfect home remodeling project requires careful consideration of various factors, from budgeting and design to choosing the right contractor and materials. By establishing a realistic budget, thoroughly planning the design, selecting quality materials, preparing for disruptions, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, you can navigate the complexities of a remodel. Remember, a successful home remodeling project is not only about the final result but also about the journey of transforming your space into something you love.

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